Our Studs

Our German Shepherd Studs

(Sorry, we do not provide stud services)


VA1 Norbi vom Haus Tchorz

VA1 Norbi

Norbi is the #1 ranking GSD in all of America and one of the best in the world! 🏆 Norbi won 1st place on a national level in Poland and he is the son of 2X VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland (#1 GSD in the world in 2011 & 2012!!!).


V1 Bex vom Waldfurter-Wald

V1 Bex

  • V1 Bex

Bex is the son of 2X VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland (#1 GSD in the world in 2011 & 2012!!!).


V1 Master von Yugerschof

  • Master von Yugerschof

Master is the grandson of 2X VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard (#1 GSD in the world in 2008 & 2009!!!).


6X V1 Demo z Sosnowego Zakatka

6X V1 Demo German Shepherd Dog

  • 6X V1 Demo z Sosnowego Zakatka

Demo is the son of 2X VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag (#1 GSD in the world in 2012 & 2011).



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